Are pets allowed?

No indoor or outdoor pets are allowed.

What is the 3 times rent rule?

The 3 times rent rule is a guideline used to determine if a potential tenant can afford the rent. It states that a tenant's gross monthly income should be at least three times the amount of their monthly rent.

Is smoking allowed?

The tenant agrees that indoor smoking is not to occur. Any smoking is to be done outside. The tenant is expected to keep the area around the apartment clean and neat.

Who handles lawn care?

The premises, including the lot where the dwelling unit is located, shall be maintained by the Landlord. To properly care for the lawn, shrubbery, and trees, the Tenant shall keep the lawn clear for mowing and weed trimming.

Who pays for the utilities and what utilities are available?

The tenant pays for the utilities. The homes have access to electric, gas, sewer, internet, and cable tv. Satilate tv dishes are not allowed. Nothing is permitted to be mounted to the house without landlord written permission.

Is subletting allowed?

The Tenant is not to sublet or assign any part of the premises without the written consent of the Landlord. All occupants must be listed on the rental agreement. Additional occupants may not move into the Premises without the knowledge and pre-approval of the Landlord. Any prospective Tenant must be added or substituted on the lease after obtaining written approval of the Landlord.

Prior to approval, the prospective tenant must complete a rental application and meet the Landlord's standard criteria. Adding an additional Tenant / occupant may result in an increase to the monthly rent and requiring an additional security deposit.

Insurance questions?

The Tenant must maintain their own insurance on their possessions and expressly waives and releases the Landlord from any responsibility of damage to their personal property and / or that of their invitees or guests. The Tenant shall be solely responsible for maintaining insurance on their property, including but no limited to movable, trade fixtures installed by the Tenant, furniture, furnishings, and inventory. This includes all refrigerated items. The Landlord is not responsible for spoiled food in the event of mechanical failure of refrigerators.

The Tenant expressly waives and releases the Landlord from any responsibility of injuries to themselves, their invitees, and / or guests.

Are candles / incense allowed?

No candles or incense may be burned in the house. 

Are grills permitted?

No gas or charcoal grills permitted inside or under the covered patios. 

How much is the security deposit?

The security deposit is the same as the lease.